Skills Required: IT & Networking, Database Administration, Database, Mysql, Sql

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Sample Job Description:

Looking for Database engineer who can help optimize a MySQL Database for a social network website.

Experienced database engineers only.

Sample Cover Letter (Drag mouse from this point to bottom to Copy)


Let me help you with this task. I designed, optimized and support databases for such projects like: mailcast system - more than 10mln recipients/100mln sent emails, custom developed stats for more than 500 projects - processes 100000 pages every day.

I know much about optimization. Before doing any optimization need to decide, where is a problem. Performance issues can be:
  - on database side, on database + server/client side (so I can help here);
  - on server, client and network side (I cannot help here)

If problem related to database then my steps are:
- gather stats when site operates in regular mode. It means that users open the same pages as they usually do. Maybe make sense to write some automated scripts (by JMeter, for example) to emulate user behavior;
- analyze queries;
- possible solutions:
1) simple one - create missing indexes;
2) rewrite queries;
3) move logic into stored procedures;
4) create indexed views;
5) work together with a development team if the issue is partially related to the server side - for example, developer runs one query many times;
6) separate table on static and dynamic data -  static/history data can be processed automatically by schedule;
7) use shards - complicated part, but also possible.
8) other - can be provide after detailed analyses

My name is Isabel.

I did jobs where other specialist gave up.

My rate is $25/hr and I can spent 10h/week.

I need more details about your site to estimate approximate timelines/time. The details I need: programming language, DB version, hosting and the problem description.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes, Isabel

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