IELTS Speaking Test Practice With Answers - 06

PART 1 (Interview)Q. Good Morning. Could you tell me your name and candidate number, please? A. Good Morning. I am Rahul Sharma and my candidate number is…... Q. And what would you like me to call you? A. Please call me Rahul. That’s my nickname. Q. Tell me a bit about your family. A. Well, I live in a joint family and there are almost 20 family members in this family. My grandpa, grandma, my parents, sisters, my uncles and their children are living in a joint family and that makes it a large family. My grandpa was a teacher and he is now around 70 years old. My father owns a small business and two of my uncle work there. My mother is a house wife and she takes care of me, my sisters and cousins. I have two sisters who are younger than me are in school. My father mostly takes care of the financial part of our family and he is the main earning member of our family. The house we live in quite big and it has more than 15 rooms in total. That’s the summary of my family members. If there is anything particular you would like to know about my family, I would be happy to answer. Q. What do your brothers and sisters do? A. I have not got any brother of my own. I have two sisters and both of them are students. The older one, Radhika, reads in class ten while the younger one, Dina, reads in class seven. Besides study sometimes they help my mother on her housework and often help my cousins to prepare their homework. My sisters are very close to me and I like them so much. They are both very adorable. Q. So, where are you from? A. I am from ...… (tell the City/ Village/ Area name) of …... (District/ County/ Area/State name). I was born in this city but for my university education I, later on, moved to ..…. (Area name). Currently, I am living at …… (Your present area) and I came here from my current living place. Q. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living here? A. The place where I am currently living is a busy and residential area.
Finally, there is no industry or commercial building there to pollute the air or sound. Overall, I enjoy living there and compared to my previous living place, this is many times better. Now among the disadvantages, I would mention that:
Q. I'm new here. Could you recommend a good restaurant? A. That would depend on your taste of foods and budget. If you want to enjoy the natural views and taste the local foods, I would recommend you to go to (Mark Polo Restaurant). It is nearby- would not take more than 20 minutes in a car. Now if you want to taste other menus like Chinese, Italian, Indian, Thai, or European foods, your best deal would be the Dela Mono restaurant. They are bit expensive but their foods are delicious. Finally, if you want to enjoy your foods and have some refreshment like music, you should better go to WestInn and as far as I know it is quite expensive. To taste cheap fast foods you can visit the small restaurants nearby the New Market area. In fact, I often go there and I enjoy their foods. Q. Why do you like it? A. I like quick foods and they are delicious. They offer ready foods at a low budget and that’s why I like it very much. Apart from that, New Market area is only 10 minutes distance from my university and having foods from those restaurants is convenient for me. Q. What types of foods does it serve? A. It serves only fast foods and quick meals including the burger, sandwich, pizza, fried chicken, fried rice with vegetables, all type of soft drinks and lassi. If you want to have lunch or dinner, you can order the set menu that includes: fried rice, vegetable, chicken, curry and other local items. Lassi and pizza are my two favourite foods of this restaurants and I often have these two items. Q. What do you suggest I order? A. I would suggest you to order a small California Pizza, one glass of Lassi and a mixed vegetable item. I am quite fond of this menu and enjoy eating it a lot. I am quite sure if you are not a pizza hater, you would also like it. Q. Is it expensive? A. Not at all. The whole menu would cost you only a few dollars. If you compare the price of this restaurant to other restaurants, you would find it quite cheap in fact. Q. How do I get there? A. The new-market area is a well-known place so you don’t have to worry much. From here you can take a public bus to reach the new market area. After reaching there you need to take a turn to the north and you will see the large banner ads of this restaurants. If you take your private car, you need to reach the City fountain first and then you should turn left. After 5 minutes you will see a large auditorium and then you should turn to your right. Go straight for a couple of more minutes and you are bound to notice the New Market. In case you are not sure about the route at any moment, you should ask any passerby about the location and anyone would be able to tell you the direction. Q. After you have taken the lELTS, what are you planning to study? A. I have finished my graduation in Computer Science and I have planned to finish my post-graduation in the same major. After getting my IELTS I would get myself admitted in any renowned university of the United Kingdom. Q. Why are you interested in this? A. I have a passion for computer programming and web development. Before deciding to take my undergraduate program in Computer Science, I talk with my teachers, parents and some relatives and they all suggested me to take part in this study. Since I have already completed my B.Sc. degree in Computer Science, I think it would be wise to continue my post-graduation courses in the same subject. Apart from that, the career prospect in Information and Communication sector and more specifically in software engineering is very high in my country. So I am interested in it from my passion, past educational background and because of the career prospect. Q. Why do you want to study overseas? A. I always wanted to study in an oversea university as it would ensure a better educational environment and quality education compared to the universities of my country. Apart from that, the opportunity to learn about the diverse cultures and people in a foreign university is something I don’t want to miss. Finally, a foreign degree, especially a degree from a reputed USA or UK university is helpful for better career prospect in our country. Considering all of the above-mentioned reasons, I have decided to continue my study at an overseas university. PART 2 (Cue Card)Before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you are going to say and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand? OK, here's some paper and a pencil to make notes, and here is your topic. I'd like you to describe ......... .
See the possible answer of this Speaking Cue Card >> Cue Card PART 3 (Discussion)Q. How do you think studying overseas will be different to studying in your own country? A. Studying in a foreign country is far different than studying in the home country. First of all, a student would have to leave his family, relatives, friends and stay in a different country to continue his/ her study in a foreign university. In home country s/he has the option to either attend classes from home or to stay in the university residence halls. In the second case, s/he can meet family and relatives frequently and can make new friends very quickly. While studying in a foreign university, students often suffer from homesickness and have to get enrolled in part-time jobs to support his/ her expenses. While studying overseas universities students can learn about different custom, culture and tradition. Overseas universities are often better in quality than home universities and thus overseas universities offer quality education and this has a better prospect in the future career. Among other differences, the language, communication and exam systems might be different. Finally, an overseas university offers latest and up to date curriculum while home universities, especially in less developed countries, might lack the proper study environment and proper syllabus. Q. So what problems do you think you will have studying abroad? A. I will miss my family members and I think for the first few weeks this would be terrible. All my life I lived with my family members and being in a foreign country would mean that I can contact them over the phone and have video calls, but can’t spend time with them in person. The language barrier would be another problem. My English is better than average but still understanding and communicating with people of a different country who have a different accent is sometimes an unavoidable problem. Hopefully, this won’t last for a long as I am a quick learner and I will try my best to learn the manner, custom and accent of this country very quickly. Another problem that might arrive is loneliness. This is going to be a new country and I won’t have any friends and relatives. So the first few days would be lonely I guess. Traveling and not knowing the route and bus number would be another problem. The different kinds of foods in this country might be a problem as I am habituated to eat common types of foods available in my country. It might happen that I won’t find foods of my preference near my living place. Finally finding a senior student, classmate or a teacher who would spend some time to explain some of the lessons that I might find difficult would be another problem I guess. In my country, I always had resources and helping hands for my studies. I guess that would not be available initially in a new country where I would go for study. I think these are the main issues I will face in first few weeks after I arrive in a different country to study. Q. Do you think you will have many difficulties adapting to a new culture? A. I guess it would not be much difficult for me to adapt to a new culture as I am already exposed to diverse customs and cultures in my home country. But of course, it is a bit tough to adapt a new culture very, especially when the culture and tradition are quite different from my home country. But I have the confidence that I won’t face many difficulties there, especially related to the new culture, as I already did my research on common customs and traditions of this new country. So nothing would be completely new and shocking for me, I hope. Q. Do you think that there will be any major changes in your field of study over the next few years? A. Yes, the subject Computer Science by its nature changes over time. Since this is a pure technology-based subject unlike other subjects like History, Mathematics, Arts etc. changes are very obvious. Programming languages and computer hardware are ever changing from the very beginning and many changed would occur in my field of study. The courses change very frequently and many new algorithms are introduced to make the computing and software development more efficient. For instance, the data security, search mechanism, encryptions are very core subjects of Computer Science and they are changing very fast. It is not unlikely that new computing concept would emerge and that would be included in my field of study. Q. How do you think an overseas degree will improve your professional skills? A. I am planning to have an overseas degree mainly because of the finest quality and facilities this university can offer in my area of study. The overseas degree would actually ensure a better study environment and learning opportunity for me. Thus I would be able to learn better and have better skills to pursue a better career. In my country, a foreign degree is given a priority in case of a job interview. Many local and international organizations even mention that a foreign degree from a reputed university would be a plus for the candidate. So I am sure having a foreign degree would open more opportunity for me in my professional life. The foreign universities, especially universities of first world countries, are renowned for their professionalism, study environment and facilities to learn better skills. I am sure I would be able to take advantages of these facilities and would be able to learn more. The top notch universities of a first world country are often renowned for their research and I will put every effort to get involved in such research facilities to enhance my skills. Q. What do you intend to do once you have finished your studies? A. I will get admitted in my Master's degree in few months and after I finish my studies, I would get back to my country. Once I get back to my country, I will start applying for a suitable job. In fact, the job would be the place where I would be able to learn even more and use the knowledge I have learned in the past few years and will learn in next two years. So in a nutshell, starting a job related to my study to enhance my skill would be the first thing I will do after I finish my graduation. Apart from that, I have a plan to work on a personal eCommerce project that I have been planning for years. The potential of eCommerce in my home country is immense and I would try to tap in this sector to establish a large eCommerce business. These are the plans I have now for my immediate future but time often drives us to new tracks and different motivations. So if something bigger and better comes across my pathway, I will plan accordingly then. Q. What do you see yourself doing professionally in 10 years' time? And how do you see your personal life changing? A. Umm, predicting what I will be doing after 10 years is bit tricky! But if everything goes according to my plan and the Almighty drives me to the right track, I will own my own E-commerce business after 10 years. I will be able to quit my day job at that time and would be able to fully concentrate on my own business. E-commerce would not be the only thing where I would be working then. At that time I will own some of the prominent and large software nationally and internationally. I have a plan to establish a night school in my hometown and hopefully in ten years that would be renowned one and a role model for the people of my locality. After 10 years I will probably be a married person with 1-2 kids of my own. That would be a big change I guess. There would be many responsibilities and new ways of life. I will devote more on doing humanitarian things than concentrating more on personal gains. Probably my choices of dresses, foods, music, movies and books would change and I would become more matured. Finally, I will have fewer friends than I have now but they would be very close. My relationship with my co-workers and employees would be more prominent than my relationship with my university or college friends. I think those are very significant changed that are most likely to take place in my personal life after 10 years or so. [OK I think that's all I want to ask you today. Thank you very much. It was very interesting talking to you and I wish you all the best with your future studies. Goodbye now. That's the end of the IELTS Speaking Test.] |
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