Describe a thing you bought for which you had to save money.
You should say:
What it was?
How long you saved money for it?
How you saved the money?
And explain how you felt after you bought it.

Possible answer the above speaking cue card:

There were a lot of things that I had to save money for, but the one that I can remember very clearly was my first laptop. It was ten years ago when I was in the first year of university. I wanted to buy a laptop for my study; however, my parents would only pay for a desk computer, which was much cheaper at the time. So I had to save up the gap between a PC and a laptop, which was a huge gap for a uni student.

But I was determined to save up for my laptop, so I started to work part time as a private English tutor for high school students. The hourly rate was generous, but because I only had 2 students, I was not able to save up as quickly as I wished. Because I lived on the campus, so I could not cut down my accommodation cost. Instead, I cut my food spending, so for a few months, I did not have proper dinner.

I felt like I had done everything I can to save up as quickly as possible, but in the end, it still took me almost a year. Because I had put so much effort in it, I felt incredibly proud when I finally had my laptop in my hands. ( Written by - Huan Ruan )

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