IELTS Speaking Test Practice With Answers - 23

PART 1 (Interview)Q. What's your name? A. My name is Anton Bruckner and you can call me Anton. Q. Where are you from? A. I am from Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurt is located in the federal state of Hesse which lies in the heart of central Germany. Q. How do you think the Internet will change entertainment in the future? A. The Internet has already changed that. Video sharing sites like the YouTube, social networking sites like the Facebook are two great media for entertainment for people. The internet TVs are replacing the old TV sets and people can now watch 3D movies sitting in their drawing rooms. The popular music websites will replace the CD players and people will listen and share their favourite playlists on the go. The movies are easy to download, they come with far better resolution and picture quality and people will watch movies in small devices like cell phone and wrist watch. Reading an entertainment magazine, listening to favourite music stations would be just a finger tap away. Q. Do you use the internet very often? What for? A. Yes, I use the internet almost every day. I use it to update the blog I own, to check the emails, to find the updates of my friends in social media networks, to watch YouTube video, to share my picture, to talk or chat with my friends etc. In fact, my activities on the internet far more vast than the things I have mentioned. Q. How about in the future? How important the internet will become in our daily lives? A. In future, we would be greatly dependent on the internet. From simple Google search to utility bill payment, from submitting class assignments to booking air tickets, we will rely on the internet. We will also use it in our education and communication sectors. This day is not far when we will rely on the internet to purchase everything we need in our life. The job, education, news, entertainment, survey, research all will rely on this technology. A significant proportion of professionals and businessmen would rely on the internet as their main source of earning and business. Traditional marketing and brick and mortar business would be replaced by Internet marketing and e-commerce. There will be pretty few things that we would be able to do without the dependency on the internet in the future. PART 2 (Cue Card)Before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you are going to say and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand? OK, here's some paper and a pencil to make notes, and here is your topic. I'd like you to describe ......... .
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PART 3 (Discussion)Q. What are the differences of watching movies and reading books? A. A movie is an audio-visual presentation while a book is a composition of written words. They are both great sources of entertainment and knowledge. However, reading a book in my opinion if more effective than watching a movie. A great number of actors, as well as producer, screenwriter, director and other staffs, are required to finally produce a movie while the book is the printed version of the writing of a writer. Movies present a story using different actors and actress and the acting is captured using a camera and then finally edited before releasing, while the books are mainly printed after being edited and corrected. We can watch movies with others but we usually read books alone. Movies are the sources of easy entertainment and people naturally love to watch movies as a pure source of entertainment although there are numerous movies that have deep underlying themes and lessons. On the contrary, most books enhance the knowledge and imagination power of readers and preferred by book lovers only. Q. Which one is more powerful? Why? A. In my opinion, books are more powerful. A book is aimed to deliver a story, lesson and is a great source of information. Reading books enhance our knowledge, imagination and our horizon of wisdom. Most of the books are packed with the experience and imagination of writers and are the witness of history and time. Reading books are far better in terms of enhancing knowledge in my opinion. While watching a movie, we mainly concentrate on the story and visual presentation of it. That gives us pure entertainment but in terms of provoking our brain, it is less effective than reading books. Books present us words and with this a hypothetical world that we need to imagine in our mind. In the case of movies, things are already seen; there is a little scope to use our imagination power. Q. Do you like to watch movie staying at home in Television or in a theatre? Why? A. I mostly prefer watching movies at home. I won’t say that I do not like watching a movie in a movie theatre, but at home, I have more control on what movie to watch and when. I can even change the movie if I find it boring but I do not have this option in a movie theatre. With the advancement of technology and internet, we have now large smart TVs that offer the almost similar experience that we can have in a theatre. Q. How can movies help up to shape our society? A. Movies reach to a large segment of people in a society and people often watch movies. Thus the movie can be an effective media for entertainment as well as tools for changing our society for the better. A good movie that focuses on the pressing issues of a society can create awareness of the problem and can also suggest some solutions. If movies are based on real events and historical facts, people would learn about their history and past that might help them to become better citizens. Movie actors and actresses are quite popular in many societies and they can pass moral lessons to their fans. Movies reflect the society and the people as a whole and thus have a great influence to shape the mentality of the people. It is not unusual that people would try to mimic the personality, behaviour, costumes of their famous actors and movie producers can use this as a positive tool to foster a better new generation. Similar more questions may be asked:Q. Describe a war movie you like.Answer: I’m going to tell you about ‘Braveheart’, a war movie directed by Mel Gibson, who was also the leading character. The movie was released in 1995 and it was written by Randall Wallace. In the 14th century, William Wallace, a Scottish warrior, leads his people in a rebellion against the tyranny of the English King, who has given English nobility the 'Prima Nocta' - a right to take all new brides for the first night. The Scots are none too pleased with the brutal English invaders, but they lack the leadership to fight back. Wallace creates a legend of himself, with his courageous defence of his people and attacks on the English. The film was nominated for ten Academy Awards at the 68th Academy Awards and won five: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Makeup, and Best Sound Editing. Other war movies you can say about: The Pianist, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, Apocalypse Now, Good Morning Vietnam, War Horse, Downfall, Lincoln, and Imitation Game. Q. What’s the difference between the movies of your country and Hollywood movies? Answer: I believe that the movies in my country aren’t that good as Hollywood movies are. First of all, the budget is really low for the local movies and that is why there are very limited opportunities. Not all scenes are impressive and there are no special effects, something that dominates in Hollywood. Furthermore, the actors in local movies aren’t so famous and talented, on the contrary in Hollywood they are of worldwide fame. There are a large variety on the topic and theme of Hollywood movies. However, our local movies do not deal with a wide range of themes. Finally, Hollywood movies are released and enjoyed worldwide while our local movies are mostly made for us except some very few movies that get international attention. Q. What do you think of the violent films? Answer: I would say that it depends on the type of violence. To be more precise, I like movies with violent scenes because they’re interesting and include more actions. In those movies, the good wins over bad. It’s a kind of vindication and the message that good prevails over bad. I don’t like movies that involve rapes. In particular, I hate these movies. I would not say that it’s something that isn’t happening, but I think that promoting women’s humiliation and debasement is not a good thing. So, I would come to the conclusion that I partly like violent movies and specifically, it depends on the story. However, the unnecessary violence is not liked by all and I am no exception. Q. What do you think of the violent films? Answer: Well, computer techniques should be used to add some characteristics to movies so that they can be more impressive and believable. Especially nowadays this opportunity is much more in use than the past. Many things that were unfeasible are attainable now with the computer technology in movie industries. A remarkable example could be ‘Avatar’, a movie that was critically acclaimed and had a million views worldwide. The groundbreaking visual effects used to make humans look like extraterrestrial beings were amazing and that was the primary reason that the film broke several box office records and became the highest-grossing film of all time in England, Canada and the USA. Q. Which parts of a movie are the most important and how to improve it? Answer: It is an undeniable fact that all the parts of a movie are extremely important, but it seems to me that more attention should be given to the finishing of a movie. There are many examples of movies that were very interesting but the end was extremely boring and disappointing. In this case, I totally believe that the end negates all the good things that happened in the rest of the movie and leaves a bad impression on the viewers. So, my opinion is that the last part/ finishing part of a film should be of paramount importance and it can be achieved by providing a distinct and not vague message to the viewers and making things clear in their mind. Tip: You can say about other things such as the beginning, the plot, dialogues, directing, special effects or even the acting. It’s up to you and your personal opinion. (Similar more questions answers are written by Mary, UK, Economist with Main Field of Studies in Business Economics) Thank you. That's the end of the IELTS Speaking Test. |
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