Qposter.com is entirely dedicated for those who are willing to take part in the IELTS examination and expecting a high band score. If you are going to take free IELTS preparation for the IELTS exam of your own, you are advised to learn about the exam format and different sections of the IELTS.
On the day of the test, the four subsections will be taken in the following order:
The IELTS speaking test may even take place a day or two later at some centres.
IELTS Listening Test lasts for about 40 minutes (including the 10 minutes transfer time). 10 minutes for transferring the answers to an answer sheet. It consists of four sections, with ten questions in each section played on cassette tape, in order of increasing difficulty. Each section might be a dialogue or a monologue. The test is played once only, and the questions for each section must be answered while listening, although time is given for students to check their answers.
IELTS Reading Test lasts for 60 minutes. Students are given an Academic Reading test, or a General Training Reading test. Both tests consist of three sections, and in both tests the sections are in order of increasing difficulty.
IELTS Writing Test also lasts for 60 minutes. Again, students take either an Academic Module, or a General Training Module. Students must perform two writing tasks, which require different styles of writing. There is no choice of question topics.
IELTS Speaking Test consists of a one-to-one interview with a specially trained examiner. The interview is recorded and has three separate parts: An introduction and interview, an individual long turn where the candidate speaks for one or two minutes on a particular topic, and a two-way discussion thematically linked to the individual long turn. This interview will last for approximately 11-14 minutes.
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What is IELTS?
IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System, is designed to assess the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers who need to study, to get scholarships in europe, America, Australia, or Work where English is the language of communication. The IELTS test was introduced in the year 1989 and the IELTS test is available in two formats; Academic Module and General Training Module.Academic Module:
Academic Module is suitable for the students seeking entry to a university or institution of higher education offering degree and diploma courses.General Training Module:
General Training Module is appropriate for those who are going to English-speaking countries to complete work experience or seeking entry to a secondary school or to vocational training courses.
[Confirm which module you are required to take and sit for the appropriate IELTS exam]
IELTS Test Format:
There are four sub-tests, or modules, to the IELTS test: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students must sit all four sub-tests. While all students take the same listening and speaking tests, they sit different reading and writing tests, depending on whether they have selected the Academic Module or the General Training Module.On the day of the test, the four subsections will be taken in the following order:
The IELTS speaking test may even take place a day or two later at some centres.
IELTS Listening Test lasts for about 40 minutes (including the 10 minutes transfer time). 10 minutes for transferring the answers to an answer sheet. It consists of four sections, with ten questions in each section played on cassette tape, in order of increasing difficulty. Each section might be a dialogue or a monologue. The test is played once only, and the questions for each section must be answered while listening, although time is given for students to check their answers.
>> IELTS Listening Practice Tests
IELTS Reading Test lasts for 60 minutes. Students are given an Academic Reading test, or a General Training Reading test. Both tests consist of three sections, and in both tests the sections are in order of increasing difficulty.
>> IELTS Reading Practice Tests
IELTS Writing Test also lasts for 60 minutes. Again, students take either an Academic Module, or a General Training Module. Students must perform two writing tasks, which require different styles of writing. There is no choice of question topics.
>> IELTS Writing Practice Tests
IELTS Speaking Test consists of a one-to-one interview with a specially trained examiner. The interview is recorded and has three separate parts: An introduction and interview, an individual long turn where the candidate speaks for one or two minutes on a particular topic, and a two-way discussion thematically linked to the individual long turn. This interview will last for approximately 11-14 minutes.
>> IELTS Speaking Practice Tests
Note: All candidates must take a test for each of the four skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking modules but may choose between the Academic or General Training versions of the Reading and Writing sections of the test. You should seek advice from a teacher or a student adviser if you are in any doubt about whether to sit for the Academic modules or the General Training modules.
Where can I take IELTS?
More than 1,100 Test Centers around the world administer IELTS. Most test centers are run by the British Council, IELTS Australia, or universities and language schools. Some testing centers also offer off-site testing for large groups by prior arrangement with IELTS. Contact your local examination center or visit www.ielts.org to find out where the nearest IELTS test center is located.Where can I find information about registering for the test?
You can contact your nearest examination center or visit the official IELTS website for more information about application procedures and the location of a test center near you.Got something to ask? Ask it here!